The Guardian has released a video about the rise of sex robots:
Some keywords in the video quickly picked by me as most interesting are : companionship, vaginal inserts, Autoblow 2- pleasure system for men, robot orgasm -> robogasm, robot ethicist. After all, this new industry is about making money, triggered by demand and supply. There is no right or wrong. If one of my friends owns a sex robot, I will not laugh at him but thumb up for him because he works hard and gives up a lot of things to save that large amount of money.
Some keywords in the video quickly picked by me as most interesting are : companionship, vaginal inserts, Autoblow 2- pleasure system for men, robot orgasm -> robogasm, robot ethicist. After all, this new industry is about making money, triggered by demand and supply. There is no right or wrong. If one of my friends owns a sex robot, I will not laugh at him but thumb up for him because he works hard and gives up a lot of things to save that large amount of money.