
ttcp - Cool Throughtput Test Tool

ttcp is a cool throughput test tool. I am aware that many network administrators use it for network testing and troubling shooting. Even Cisco uses it to test the performance of end-to-end host connection.

For end to end test, the receiving IP has to be put in listen mode. Say, if I want to choose port 1234 for testing with 512 packets only , I would put the machine in receiving mode and speficy the following :

#ttcp -r -n 512 -p 1234 -s

On the transmitting side, the receiving host IP address and port number must be given as follows :

#ttcp -t -n 512 -p 1234 ip_address

It can also generate udp packets by having -u in the comand string. A really handy, cool and useful tool.

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