
How much is a single character domain name if it is globally unique ?

SGNIC is now inviting applications for single character domain name (SCDN) like a.sg. a.com.sg etc. The bottom price is S$20,000. If more than one application for a SCDN in the ccTLD domain categories (such as .com.sg, .net.sg), applicants will be asked to bid until a final winner emerges.

This triggers me to think about the market value of SCDN in the generic TLDs like a.com, b.net etc. If a country specific SCDN can be sold at S$20,000, the more attractive and globally unique SCDN in TLDs should be priced at 10 or even 100 times higher.

Has ICANN set a policy on this ? What does HKIRC plan to do with SCDN in the .hk levels ? I need to find the answers !!

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