
Passing IPv6 Certification for the rank of Sage

The IPv6 Certification for the rank of sage required me to have IPv6 glue records for the IPv6 name servers in the Top Level Domain Registry. After some investigations, I found out that HKDNR did not allow me to put IPv6 glue records (IPv6 addresses for ns1.bya,org.hk and ns2.bya.org.hk) to my name server records. This certainly stopped me to complete the sage test.

I switched to godaddy.com. It permitted me to add hosts for name servers with both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. I thought it might take 2 days to propagate the added IPv4 and IPv6 glue records. Quite strange, the new records were propagated to all .com servers within 2 hours.

With all these completed, I login to Hurricane Electric and attempted the sage test again. I was able to pass as all the 13 .com authoritative name servers can show the glue records prepared by me.

I shall never forget the importance of putting glue records of name servers by means of "add host" function in the domain name registration interface.

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