
Control-Enter shortcut key in IE Browser

When using Chrome and Firefox, if I just type "cnn" followed by CTRL-ENTER, the address bar will make up the site "ww.cnn.com" and the content can be displayed successfully. This is a special hotkey in browser and I think that might be a reason corporation and companies like ".com" so much due to its convenience over other Top Level Domains in browsers.

But what happen to my IE. If I do the same on IE, the address bar will become "www.cnn.com.tw". Hey, the crazy thing is ".tw". It is because my IE browser is a Taiwanese version. I don’t understand why Microsoft is so crazy to insert ".tw" when dealing with the most common CTRL-ENTER shortcut when the IE browser is a Taiwanese version. I am not going to change my IE to English version just because of this crazy flaw. I must say I hate the foolish mindset of Microsoft software people.

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